Niek Kosten
🖐 Niek Kosten
📙 Publications
🏟️ Exhibitions
🔁 Teaching
📂 Transisthor
↳ 📂 Now or Never
📂 Revisiting Vernacular Design
📂 De Eendagspartij
📂 The Oblique Observer
📂 Kopij
📂 We Are OK
📂 Centrum voor Heimwee
📂 Activist
📂 Manifest voor Winterslag Cité
We Are OK
'We Are OK' reflects the dual feeling of courage and disappointment in the current local and global economic situation. Referring to 'wrok', the Dutch word for 'resentment', and the abbreviation of 'we are ok'. The work was commissioned by CIAP for the exhibition 'Traction Avant' that ran from June 22nd until September 1st, 2013. The installation extended beyond the exhibition walls, presenting it on former or endangered industrial sites in the region. In collaboration with Stijn Segers.